Presidents Message
Friends and Neighbors,
Thank you so much for trusting me with the responsibility of being your president. I started my duties at the summer picnic and have hit the ground running. My relationship with the Lake Association vision is very important to me and I’m doing all I can to get that message out to all. That said, we rented the brat shack at the Dundee Sportsman Club for a Brat Fry in August. A grand time was had by all! We had 12 volunteers and turned a couple away to help next time! What a great problem! My husband and I preboiled 50 Johnsonville brats which we sold out! I seasoned and weighed 25 pounds of hamburger into 1/3-pound balls that were hand pressed by volunteers as needed for the grill. We had 2 grillers that cooked over 70 burgers, 50 brats, and hotdogs. We sold 70 single or double burgers, 50 brats, and a few hot dogs. We also had chips, soda, and water for sale. The Kewaskum Piggly Wiggly was a huge help by donating condiments, pickles, sauerkraut, and 4 cases of water. They also gave us the lowest sale price on the meat, chips, and soda over the previous 2 weeks. Those of us that enjoyed this event deepened our relationships with the Lake Association and each other while getting the message of our vision out to a lot of people. The bonus of the day was raising over $350. Many people didn’t know we treated the lake, others didn’t know the beach was free to use again, but all were going to take some time to check it out. I’m planning to reserve the brat shack again this spring. I’m thinking breakfast sandwiches early and move to brats and burgers late morning through afternoon. Please let me know if you’re willing to help.
In no time at all our chili cook off was upon us. I went door to door in Kewaskum, Campbellsport, and Dundee to request donations for raffle baskets. I spent many afternoons following up on the phone and in person. Many lake association members also took flyers and donation sheets, their assistance was greatly appreciated. My next step is to take Thank Yous to all the businesses that donated in hopes it will convince them to continue their relationship with us and our cause. I’ll let Cindy fill in the details in the Chili Cook Off section of the newsletter.
If you’ve been out on the lake you’ll have noticed our weed population is under control! After the treatment the lily pads on the edges of the lake began to clear of all invasive weeds and fishing in those areas became possible again. My husband enjoyed one tough fight catching a 17” bass in that area, letting him go for another fight another day. Here is a direct quote from the treatment company on the progress of the treatment. “The spring 2024 whole-lake ProcellaCOR treatment is trending as anticipated. However, we are cautious to declare this a successful treatment at this point. We have had treatments in the past that looked pretty promising during the year of treatment, but EWM rebound was strong during the year after treatment. For this treatment to be successful, we would want only a very small amount of EWM rebound being observed towards the end of 2025. Therefore, it will be extremely important for continued monitoring moving forward.” Our lake is getting better and better every day because of your dedication and attention to the needs of lake overrun with an invasive weed. Congratulations and Thank You for all we’ve accomplished and everything yet to come!
Michelle Harrington, President KMLA